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Research membership

This category of membership is open to all academics but admittance is through a detailed application process which is open every two years. Research members are appointed on the basis of their academic work by a special committee.

Someone speaking in front of a crowded hall

ECGI is a global interdisciplinary academic network. The Research Members are the guardians of ECGI's academic integrity. They have a majority on all boards and committees, and they produce high quality research and events which are disseminated through the ECGI network.

When is the next possible opportunity to apply to become an ECGI Research member?

ECGI accepts applications for research membership every two years. Applications are currently being accepted until 25 October 2024. Learn more here. 

Who can apply?

Anyone can apply to become a research member of ECGI, however there is a high bar for admittance. At a minimum, applicants should be producing research on corporate governance related topics and have a solid record of quality papers and publications.

Do I need to be nominated?

No, anyone can apply without being nominated. ECGI seeks nominations from our existing research members to help identify those conducting quality research and to ensure that they apply to become a research member. Individuals who are nominated will be contacted with a request to submit an application. Soliciting multiple nominations is generally discouraged but will not count against applicants.

What are the main reasons for non-admittance?

Some common reasons for non-admittance include:

  • Insufficient focus on corporate governance topics, broadly defined.
  • High calibre early stage scholars without an adequate record.
  • Primary discipline of research is outside the scope of the ECGI working paper series (law and finance) - for example management and behavioural sciences.

The assessment criteria differs between law and finance scholars. For example, journal publications and citations are less relevant for law scholars.

The decision of the Appointments Committee is final and they do not provide feedback or reasons for decline.

Research Membership

€150 per annum (effective from January 2025)

The benefits include:

  • Eligibility to publish in the ECGI working paper series.
  • Use of the ECGI affiliation for professional accreditation.
  • Speaking opportunities at ECGI events.
  • Participation on ECGI boards and committees with fellow members.
  • Promotion of research activities through ECGI channels (newsletters, interviews, social media etc.)
  • An individual professional listing in the ECGI membership directory.
  • Registration for public and members-only email communications.
  • Free attendance at the ECGI Annual Conference and Dinner.
  • Networking opportunities and access to leading academics.
  • Access to the ECGI Community platform and noticeboard.
  • Free access to events when applicable.

*Research Members are encouraged to sign up their universities as Academic Institutional Members to support our ongoing work. 

Other membership options 

Our community of research members

  • Ian Ramsay

    Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor Emeritus
    University of Melbourne
    Research Member
  • Lucrezia Reichlin

    Professor of Economics
    London Business School, Centre for Corporate Governance
    Research Member
  • Luc Renneboog

    Professor of Corporate Finance
    Tilburg University
    Research Member
  • Rafael Repullo

    Professor of Economics
    Centro de Estudios Monetarios y Financieros (CEMFI)
    Research Member
  • Adriana Robertson

    Donald N. Pritzker Professor of Business Law
    University of Chicago
    Research Member
  • Jean-Charles Rochet

    Professor of Banking
    Institut für Banking und Finance, University of Zurich
    Research Member
  • Edward Rock

    Martin Lipton Professor of Law
    NYU Law
    Fellow, Research Member
  • Mark Roe

    David Berg Professor of Law
    Harvard Law School
    Fellow, Research Member
  • Ailsa Roell

    Professor of International and Public Affairs
    Columbia University
    Fellow, Research Member
  • Roberta Romano

    Sterling Professor of Law and Director, Yale Law School Center for the Study of Corporate Law
    Yale Law School
    Fellow, Research Member
  • Joshua Ronen

    Professor of Accounting
    Stern School of Business, NYU
    Research Member
  • Lukas Roth

    Professor of Finance
    University of Alberta
    Research Member
  • Kristian Rydqvist

    Zurack Professor of Finance and Economics
    Binghamton University School of Management
    Research Member
  • Dorothy S. Lund

    Professor of Law and Co-Director, Millstein Center for Global Markets and Corporate Ownership
    Columbia Law School
    Research Member
  • Paola Sapienza

    Professor of Finance
    Kellogg School of Management
    Fellow, Research Member
  • Zacharias Sautner

    Professor of Sustainable Finance
    University of Zurich and Swiss Finance Institute
    Research Member
  • Frederik Schlingemann

    Professor of Finance
    Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh
    Research Member
  • Martin Schmalz

    Professor of Finance, Economics, and Real Estate
    University of Oxford Saïd Business School
    Research Member
  • Markus Schmid

    Professor of Finance
    University of St. Gallen and Swiss Finance Institute (SFI)
    Research Member
  • Antoinette Schoar

    Michael Koerner '49 Professor of Entrepreneurial Finance
    MIT Sloan School of Management
    Fellow, Research Member
  • Simone Sepe

    Professor of Law and Finance
    The University of Arizona; Université Toulouse-I-Capitole - Toulouse School of Economics; American College of Covernance Council
    Research Member
  • Matthew Serfling

    Associate Professor of Finance
    University of Tennessee - Knoxville
    Research Member
  • Henri Servaes

    Richard Brealey Professor of Corporate Governance; Professor of Finance
    London Business School
    Research Member
  • Merih Sevilir

    Professor of Finance
    ESMT-Berlin, and Halle Institute for Economics Research
    Research Member
  • Mathias Siems

    Professor of Private Law and Market Regulation
    European University Institute
    Research Member
  • Roger Silvers

    Assistant Professor, Accounting
    University of Utah
    Research Member
  • Robert Sitkoff

    Austin Wakeman Scott Professor of Law and John L. Gray Professor of Law
    Harvard Law School
    Research Member
  • David Skeel

    S. Samuel Arsht Professor of Corporate Law
    University of Pennsylvania - School of Law
    Research Member
  • Christina Parajon Skinner

    Assistant Professor (Legal Studies and Business Ethics department)
    The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
    Research Member
  • Rolf Skog

    Honorary Professor of Company and Stock Exchange Law
    University of Gothenburg
    Research Member
  • Holger Spamann

    Lawrence R. Grove Professor of Law
    Harvard Law School
    Research Member
  • Laura Starks

    George Kozmetsky Centennial University Distinguished Chair
    McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin
    Research Member
  • Alex Stomper

    Professor of Finance
    Berlin's Humboldt University
    Research Member
  • René Stulz

    Everett D. Reese Chair of Banking and Monetary Economics
    The Ohio State University
    Fellow, Research Member

ECGI is a vibrant network of governance experts. Listen to what some of them say about being part of the ECGI community.

How can I apply to become a member?

You can apply directly here using our easy application form. If you would like more information about the categories of membership and associated benefits, you can visit our becoming a member page.

Do I need to be nominated to become a member?

No. It is possible to apply for each category without being nominated. However, there is a difference between academic membership and research membership. You can sign up for academic membership today, but applications for research membership are only received every two years. Learn more about the differences in membership categories here.

How can I reinstate my lapsed membership?

We are happy to help you to reactivate your membership. Please send a request by email to

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