This section contains information about past and current projects led by ECGI Research Members.

Responsible Capitalism
Project dates: February 2022 - ongoing
In 2022, ECGI launched a broad programme of activities under the theme of Responsible Capitalism. Join us as we explore the improved concept of an economic system that accommodates private ownership and the pursuit of market opportunities while achieving societal goals.
Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence
Project dates: September 2020 - April 2022
(Formerly "Directors’ duties and sustainable corporate governance")
ECGI, in collaboration with Stockholm University, took an active role in the early debate stages of the European Commission's proposal on Corporate Sustainability and Due Diligence.
Corporations and COVID-19
Project dates: November 2020 - November 2022
In 2021, ECGI organised a conference-based project to study and inform corporate responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Discover more by visiting the project page.
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Project dates: August 2006 - June 2007
Following nine months of research, the facts and figures on proportionality between ownership and control were submitted to the European Commission by ISS and its partners Shearman & Sterling and ECGI.