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The ECGI Content Advisory Board

The ECGI Content Advisory Board meets twice yearly to help shape ECGI content priorities by identifying topical developments and themes where the ECGI network can provide useful input. It is comprised of ECGI research members with varied interests, together with representatives from ECGI's institutional members.


Appointed: 2023

George Dallas

Head of Content
European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI)
Practitioner Member

Appointed: 2022

Philipp Krueger

Associate Professor of Finance
University of Geneva & Swiss Finance Institute
Research Member

Appointed: 2022

Vicente Cuñat

Professor of Finance
Department of Finance, London School of Economics
Research Member

Appointed: 2022

Rui Dias

Professor of Law
University of Coimbra, Faculty of Law
Academic Member

Appointed: 2022

Daniel Ferreira

Professor of Finance
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Fellow, Research Member

Appointed: 2022

Jennifer Hill

Bob Baxt AO Chair in Corporate and Commercial Law
Monash University
Research Member

Appointed: 2022

Kon Sik Kim

Emeritus Professor
Seoul National University School of Law
Research Member

Appointed: 2022

Appointed: 2022

Mark Roe

David Berg Professor of Law
Harvard Law School
Fellow, Research Member

Appointed: 2022

Appointed: 2022

Umakanth Varottil

Professor of Law
Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore
Research Member

Appointed: 2022

Susan Watson

Dean, University of Auckland Business School, Professor of Law, University of Auckland Faculty of Law
University of Auckland
Research Member

Appointed: 2022

Dan Puchniak

Singapore Management University, Yong Pung How School of Law
Research Member

Appointed: 2022

Marco Becht

Professor of Finance and the Goldschmidt Professor of Corporate Governance
Solvay Brussels School for Economics and Management, Université libre de Bruxelles
Fellow, Research Member

Appointed: 2022

Paul Davies

Emeritus Professor of Corporate Law; Senior Research Fellow
University of Oxford
Fellow, Research Member

Appointed: 2022

Julian Franks

Professor of Finance
London Business School
Fellow, Research Member

Appointed: 2022

Ronald Gilson

Charles J. Meyers Professor of Law and Business
Columbia Law School & Stanford Law School
Fellow, Research Member

Appointed: 2022

Appointed: 2022

Appointed: 2024

Appointed: 2022

Paolo Rainelli

Associate Professor of Business Law
Politecnic University of Turin, Italy
Representative Member

Appointed: 2022

René Stulz

Everett D. Reese Chair of Banking and Monetary Economics
The Ohio State University
Fellow, Research Member

Appointed: 2022

Marco Ventoruzzo

Head of Department and Professor of Corporate Law
Paolo Baffi Center on Financial Regulation, Bocconi University Law Department
Research Member

Appointed: 2022

Fei Xie

Chaplin Tyler Professor of Finance & Iannaccone Faculty Fellow
University of Delaware, Lerner College of Business and Economics
Research Member

Appointed: 2022

Appointed: 2022

Lucian Bebchuk

James Barr Ames Professor of Law, Economics, and Finance
Harvard Law School
Fellow, Research Member

Appointed: 2022

Herman Daems

Chairman of the Board
European Corporate Governance Institute

Appointed: 2022

Guido Ferrarini

Professor of Business Law and Capital Markets Law
University of Genoa
Fellow, Research Member

Appointed: 2022

Klaus Hopt

Emeritus Professor
Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law
Fellow, Research Member

Appointed: 2022

Hideki Kanda

Emeritus Professor
University of Tokyo and Gakushuin University Law School
Fellow, Research Member

Appointed: 2022

Nadya Malenko

Professor of Finance and Wargo Family Faculty Fellow
Boston College, Carroll School of Management, Seidner Department of Finance
Research Member

Appointed: 2022

Appointed: 2022

Appointed: 2022

Appointed: 2022


Responsibilities of the Content Advisory Board include but are not limited to:

  1. discussion of trending topics in the scope of corporate governance and stewardship, with a view to highlighting topical news that could be used to solicit comment from the network;
  2. submitting more specific editorial ideas that they would be interested to read about; and,
  3. individually acting as ECGI ambassadors by sharing content and encouraging others to subscribe or visit the ECGI website.

Input from the Advisory Board does not require consensus and may be submitted privately by individual members, using a submission form. It is possible for Advisory Board members (or any other individuals) to author or co-author articles for the Blog or other ECGI publications. Submissions from Advisory Board members will be considered by the Editors in the usual manner.


The Advisory Board will have a minumum of six members, with no maximum limit. The Board should aim to include a variety of representation geographically, sectorally and by company structure. 

The members will be invited from the ECGI network. A separate Editorial Board will review the ongoing quality of the Blog and discuss editorial ideas, including those submitted by Advisory Board members.


The term of appointment to the Advisory Board is open-ended as long as the member is an ECGI member. If they are representing an institutional member of ECGI, their term is deemed to expire when they no longer work for the organisation; if the organisation nominates someone else to the Advisory Board; if the individual voluntarily steps down; or if the organisation is no longer an ECGI member. If they are not representing an institution, but acting in their personal capacity, their term will expire when they are no longer an ECGI member or when they voluntarily step down. 


The Advisory Board will be convened online twice a year or as often as it deems appropriate. There is no obligation to attend meetings which will be conversational in nature and focusing on topical corporate governance and stewardship matters. There is no quorum requirement. It is possible to contribute input or advice on a continuous basis by email or through a dedication form.

diagram of ECGI governance structure

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