- Research Member
Dr. Hao Liang
Dr. Hao LIANG is an Associate Professor of Finance and the Co-Director of Singapore Green Finance Centre at Singapore Management University (SMU), where he is also the recipient of Ho Bee Professorship in Sustainability Management, BNP Paribas Fellowship, DBS Sustainability Fellowship, and Lee Kong Chian Fellowship. He is an extramural fellow of Tilburg University, and serves as a member of European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI), the Steering Committee of Impact & Sustainable Finance Faculty Consortium, the Scientific Committee of Geneva Centre for Philanthropy, the Technical Committee for Environmental Management and Sustainable Finance of Enterprise Singapore, and China ESG30 Forum. His research interests include sustainable finance, impact investing, corporate finance and governance. He has published on prestigious academic journals including Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Finance, Journal of International Business Studies, Management Science, Organization Science, and Journal of Business Venturing. He is the Section Editor (Finance & Business Ethics) of Journal of Business Ethics, an Associate Editor of Management Science, Journal of Business Research, Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, and British Accounting Review, and on the editorial review board of Strategic Management Journal.
Professor Liang is the recipient of the Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability Emerging Scholar Award in 2020, and two-time winner of the prestigious Moskowitz Prize for Socially Responsible Investing (2014 & 2019). At SMU, he teaches Sustainable Finance and Entrepreneurial Finance at undergraduate, masters, DBA and PhD levels. He is a frequent contributor to Harvard Law School Forum of Corporate Governance and Oxford Business Law Blog among many other media.