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Visiting Professor, Harvard Law School (2007)

Professor, Law Faculty, University of Mainz (1999 - )

Professor, Law Faculty, University of Trier (1995 – 1999)

Professor, Law Faculty, University of Heidelberg (1994 – 1995)

Other Current and Recent Affiliations

Panel of Financial Services Experts of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament (2006 - )

Administrative Appeal Committee („Widerspruchsausschuss“) at the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority („BaFin“) (2002 - )

Advisory Council („Übernahmerat“) at the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (2002 - )

Research Fellow, European Corporate Governance Institute (2003 - )

Executive Board, Bankrechtliche Vereinigung – wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Bankrecht e.V. (German association of lawyers for banking law and capital market law)

Editorial Board, Zeitschrift für das gesamte Handelsrecht und Wirtschaftsrecht (2007 - ) journal for commercial law, corporate law, capital market law, competition law)

Editorial Advisory Board, Wertpapiermitteilungen (2002 - ) (journal for banking law, capital market law, corporation law)

Editorial Board, Neue Zeitschrift für Gesellschaftsrecht (2007 - ) (journal for corporation law)


University of Munich, „Habilitation” (1994)

Baden-Württemberg, Bar Exam („2. Staatsexamen“), 1985

University of Tübingen, Doctorate in Law (1984)

University of Tübingen, J.D. („1. Staatsexamen“) (1981)

Research Interests

German and European corporate law, Capital market law, Banking law, Business law

Working Papers

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