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University of Oxford | Saïd Business School | Eni Lecture Room

Friday, 3 June 2022 | Saturday, 4 June 2022

08:45 - 18:00 BST (9:45 - 19:00 CEST)

This was a hybrid event. In-person attendance was limited to speakers and invited guests.



The Effects of Hedge Fund Activism

(Andrew C. Baker)

The Market for CEOs

(Peter Cziraki, Dirk Jenter) 

The gender pay gap: Pay for performance and sorting across employers

(Michelle Lowry)

Workplace Inequality in the U.S. and Managerial Rent Extraction: Evidence from Pay Growth Gaps
(Jie (Jack) He, Lei Li, Tao Shu)

Sustainability or Performance? Ratings and Fund Managers’ Incentives

(Nickolay Gantchev, Mariassunta Giannetti, Rachel Li)

The Origins and Consequences of the ESG Moniker

(Elizabeth Pollman)

Which Corporate Victims Get Justice? 

(Anat Admati, Greg Buchak) 

China's Corporate Social Credit System and the Dawn of Surveillance State Capitalism

(Lauren Yu-Hsin Lin, Curtis Milhaupt)

Strategic Leadership in Corporate Social Responsibility

(Rui Albuquerque, Luis Cabral)

Does Socially Responsible Investing Change Firm Behavior?
(Davidson Heath, Daniele Macciocchi, Roni Michaely, Matthew C. Ringgenberg)

Foundation Ownership and Sustainability International Evidence

(David Schroeder, Steen Thomsen)

Controlling Externalities: Ownership Structure and Cross-Firm Externalities 

(Dhammika Dharmapala, Vikramaditya Khanna)



The Global Corporate Governance Colloquia (GCGC) is a global initiative to bring together the best research in law, economics, and finance relating to corporate governance at a yearly conference held at 12 leading universities in the Americas, Asia and Europe. The 12 hosting institutions are:

Columbia University, Harvard University, Imperial College London, National University of Singapore, Peking University, Seoul National University, Stanford University, Swedish House of Finance, University of Oxford, University of Tokyo, Yale University, DFG LawFin Center, Goethe University Frankfurt, Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE.

The aim of the conference series is to attract current research papers of the highest scholarly quality in the field of corporate governance. The conferences are primarily 'academic to academic' events with some participants from industry and the public sector including the practitioner partners of GCGC and other invited panelists. Japan Exchange Group (JPX) is a Practitioner Partner.

The eighth annual GCGC Conference was hosted by University of Oxford on 3 - 4 June 2022.


The conference took place over two days. In addition to the research presentations, there were two panel discussions involving participants from industry and the public sector. The conference dinner was held on the evening of 3 June 2022. The organisers contributed towards the cost of travel and provide up to three nights of hotel accommodation for the presenters.

Questions may be directed to:

This event is organised by the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI)

Print Programme



Friday, 3 June 2022 | 08:45 BST (09:45 CEST)

Coffee Break

Lunch Break

Session 3

Coffee Break

Reception and Dinner

Saturday, 4 June 2022 | 08:45 BST (09:45 CEST)

Coffee Break

Lunch Break

Session 7

Coffee Break



Marco Becht

Professor of Finance and the Goldschmidt Professor of Corporate Governance
Solvay Brussels School for Economics and Management, Université libre de Bruxelles
Fellow, Research Member

Nickolay Gantchev

Professor of Finance
University of Warwick, Warwick Business School
Research Member

Claudia Custodio

Associate Professor of Finance
Imperial College Business School
Research Member

Dirk Jenter

Professor of Finance
The London School of Economics and Political Science
Research Member

Michelle Lowry

TD Bank Professor of Finance; Academic Director of Gupta Governance Institute
Drexel University
Research Member

Luh Luh Lan

Associate Professor
National University of Singapore
Research Member

Colin Mayer

Emeritus Professor of Management Studies
Blavatnik School of Government and Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
Fellow, Research Member

Curtis J. Milhaupt

William F. Baxter - Visa International Professor of Law
Stanford Law School
Research Member

Dan Puchniak

Singapore Management University, Yong Pung How School of Law
Research Member

Ellen Quigley

Advisor to the CFO (Responsible Investment); Senior Research Associate
University of Cambridge
Academic Member

Merih Sevilir

Professor of Finance
ESMT-Berlin, and Halle Institute for Economics Research
Research Member

Holger Spamann

Lawrence R. Grove Professor of Law
Harvard Law School
Research Member

Steen Thomsen

Center for Corporate Governance, Copenhagen Business School
Research Member

Tobias Tröger

Professor of Private Law, Commercial and Business Law
Leibniz Institute SAFE, Goethe University Frankfurt, House of Finance
Research Member

Luigi Zingales

Robert C. McCormack Professor Entrepreneurship & Finance
University of Chicago, Booth School of Business
Fellow, Research Member

Yupana Wiwattanakantang

Associate professor, Department of Finance
NUS Business School, National University of Singapore
Research Member

Kristin van Zwieten

Clifford Chance Associate Professor of Law and Finance
Law Faculty, University of Oxford
Research Member

Gabriela Dias

CMVM - Portuguese Securities Authority
Practitioner Member

Luca Enriques

Professor of Corporate Law
University of Oxford
Fellow, Research Member

Jennifer Hill

Bob Baxt AO Chair in Corporate and Commercial Law
Monash University
Research Member

Eric Talley

Isidor and Seville Sulzbacher Professor of Law and Co-Director, Millstein Center for Global Markets and Corporate Ownership
Columbia Law School
Research Member


Elaine McPartlan
European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI)
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