Why should you join or support ECGI?
Greetings from Brussels,
Thank you for visiting this page. It means a lot to us that you are considering joining our network.
There are many great networks for lawyers, economists, board directors, investors, analysts, policy officials, governance and sustainability professionals, finance scholars, and law scholars. They exist in Europe, North America, Asia and elsewhere. But do you know many networks that bring together all of these groups to interact and discuss important ideas? Do you know many networks where the goal is not consensus, but continuous debate?
Let’s think for a moment what it would be like if ECGI did not exist. Apart from fewer events and less communications filling up your inbox, it would be considerably more time-consuming wading through academic papers and choosing which ones to reference and learn from. It would be more difficult to find the newest and brightest academics cutting a shape through their field. Would the lawyers attend a finance conference and meet interesting economists? Would finance scholars turn up to their local law forum? Would the same pool of researchers always be invited to speak at events in the business community? Would policy officials use research which serves their purpose instead of research which tells them the truth? Would we all be reading AI generated articles based on predictive large language models?
ECGI began as a very small group of academics studying company boards and markets. Without the support of our members, it would have remained so instead of expanding and growing into new regions and areas of research. Certainly, there are benefits to membership of ECGI. They include things like inclusion in our online network directory, free access to dinners and events, and for some, participation in our Advisory Board. But the most important benefit of membership is cultivating a body that will help our respective communities to interact with each other and to understand whose work to follow and what papers to read.
ECGI views itself as a complement to other networks. It is a collaboration platform which partners with universities, networks, business groups, and individuals. We are very proud of the connections we have nurtured since ECGI was founded in 2002 and hope to continue to make new ones. Each year vast company budgets are allocated to research departments, consultancy firms, and marketing activities. ECGI is a cost-efficient knowledge partner. We strive to provide free services as a public good and as a result, everyone can benefit at a very low cost.
Resourcing has been a limiting factor to our boundless potential. One day we may overcome this challenge and develop new and better ways to bring research into focus and use. The first step to supporting ECGI is becoming one of us.
We hope to welcome you to our network today.
Elaine McPartlan
ECGI General Manager
"ECGI is networking in the best possible meaning of the word. There is no power that is brokered, it's simply ideas and that's the best part. In addition to that, the people are just the nicest, so in a way it manages to attract very nice people in addition to being smart ones!"
"I am impressed by the recent range of activities and the depth of dialogue and analysis". "ECGI provides an opportunity to meet very interesting people and to be at the pulse of global corporate governance research".
"ECGI allows me to stay connected to a global network of academics and professionals in corporate governance and related fields. The Institute facilitates access to to leading research from scholars in finance, accounting, and law, among other disciplines. I particularly value the Institute's communications on new academic papers, professional announcements and its events on corporate governance and finance topics".
"ECGI plays an important part in raising the standards of corporate governance and helping to deliver successful companies over the long-term".

More support options
Membership is the easiest way to support ECGI. Sponsoring and hosting events are other enriching avenues which enable meetings and reinforce your brand. Making once-off or recurring donations can be transformational and tax-effective.