ECGI Appoints Eight New Fellows

ECGI today announces the appointment of eight new Fellows to add to its distinguished ranks. The new Fellows, who were drawn from academia in Europe and the United States, were elected by their peers, the existing Fellows of ECGI. The committee responsible for the process is currently chaired by Professor Julian Franks, Professor of Finance, London Business School.
The eight new appointees are: Alon Brav, Bratton Family Distinguished Professor, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University; Jill Fisch, Saul A. Fox Distinguished Professor of Business Law, University of Pennsylvania Law School; Mariassunta Giannetti, Katarina Martinson Professor of Finance, Stockholm School of Economics; Wei Jiang, Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Finance, Emory University's Goizueta Business School; Ulrike Malmendier, Professor of Economics and Finance, University of California, Berkeley; Curtis Milhaupt, William F. Baxter-Visa International Professor of Law, Stanford Law School; Holger Spamann, Lawrence R. Grove Professor of Law, Harvard Law School; and Laura Starks, George Kozmetsky Centennial University Distinguished Chair, McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin.
The Institute awards the title Fellow of ECGI to individuals who have demonstrated scientific excellence or other outstanding achievements in the area of corporate governance and stewardship. Previously appointed Fellows include Nobel Laureates Jean Tirole, Oliver Hart, Bengt Holmström, and Douglas Diamond. Collectively, the new appointees have published their research in the top academic journals worldwide and have consulted for government institutions, business and numerous other respected bodies while maintaining an impressive range of international credentials and appointments. Their work is commonly cited and has inspired new research in the field of corporate governance and stewardship.
Speaking about the new appointments, Professor Julian Franks, said:
ECGI has a tradition of recognising the top academics around the world for their work on corporate governance and stewardship. The award of Fellow of the Institute is a significant honour collectively bestowed by the most recognized and accomplished scholars in the field. This year’s appointees are long-deserving and representative of the best-in-class scholarship that ECGI is renowned for.
Click here to view the profiles of the newly appointed Fellows.
Click here to view all current ECGI Fellows.
Click here for more information about the ECGI Fellowship Committee.
About the newly appointed Fellows:
Professor Alon Brav, Bratton Family Distinguished Professor, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University
Alon Brav is Professor of Finance at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University. Professor Brav obtained his Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. His current research focuses on corporate governance, shareholder voting, and hedge fund activism. He has also studied the debate between rational and behavioral finance and the literature on limits to arbitrage activities. His research has featured in the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Financial Analysts Journal, Review of Finance, Journal of Economic Methodology and Columbia Law Review. He was awarded the 1998 Smith Breeden Distinguished Paper Prize at the Journal of Finance; the 2003 Barclays Global Investors Michael Brennan Award for the best paper at the Review of financial studies; the 2005 Jensen Prize for the best corporate finance paper published in the Journal of Financial Economics; the 2016 Barclays Global Investors Michael Brennan Award for the best paper published at the Review of Financial studies; and the 2018 Jensen Prize for the best corporate finance and organizations paper published in the Journal of Financial Economics. Professor Brav is faculty research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), Corporate Finance Program and an associate editor at the Journal of Finance.
Professor Jill Fisch, Saul A. Fox Distinguished Professor of Business Law, University of Pennsylvania Law School.
Jill E. Fisch is the Saul A. Fox Distinguished Professor of Business Law and co-director of the Institute for Law and Economics at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. Her work focuses on the intersection of business and law including the role of regulation and litigation in addressing limitations in the disciplinary power of the capital markets. Her scholarship has appeared in the top law reviews including the Harvard Law Review, the Yale Law Journal, the Columbia Law Review, the Texas Law Review and the University of Pennsylvania Law Review. Her current research focuses on the role of institutional investors in corporate governance, particularly shareholder voting. Other projects include analysis of shareholder proposals, ESG disclosure, and the participation of retail investors in the capital markets. Professor Fisch is also conducting ongoing experimental research into retail investor decision-making. She holds a B.A. from Cornell University and a J.D. from Yale Law School.
Professor Mariassunta Giannetti, Katarina Martinson Professor of Finance, Stockholm School of Economics
Mariassunta Giannetti is the Katarina Martinson Professor of Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics, a CEPR research fellow, and a research associate of the ECGI. Professor Giannetti has broad research interests in corporate finance and governance, and financial intermediation and has published prize-winning research in leading journals in Finance, Economics, and Management. She currently serves as associate editor of the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, and Economic Journal, among other journals, and was in the past in the editorial board of the Review of Financial Studies and the Review of Finance. She is also a frequent visitor and speaker at central banks around the world. Professor Giannetti holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California, Los Angeles and completed her B.A. and M.Sc. at Bocconi University (Italy).
Professor Wei Jiang, Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Finance, Emory University's Goizueta Business School
Wei Jiang is Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Finance at Emory University's Goizueta Business School. She is also a Senior Fellow at the Program on Corporate Governance at Harvard Law School, a Research Associate of the NBER (Law and Economics, and Corporate Finance) and a member of the Committee on Capital Market Regulation. She is currently the President of the Society of Financial Studies (SFS).
Professor Jiang's main research interests lie in corporate governance, institutional investors, technology and financial markets. She has published extensively in top economics, finance, and law journals, and her research has been frequently featured in major media, including the Wall Street Journal, Economist, Institutional Investors, Money, Fortune, Business Week, New York Times and Financial Times. She received numerous awards for research excellence, including the Smith-Breeden and DFA Distinguished Paper Prizes from the Journal of Finance, the Michael J. Brennan Best Paper Award from the Review of Financial Studies, and the Jensen Prize from the Journal of Financial Economics, as well as the best paper prizes from the Western Finance Association, Chicago Quantitative Alliance, UK Inquire, the Q-Group, and the IRRC Institute. Previously she served as an editor of the Review of Financial Studies, a Finance Department Editor at Management Science and an Associate Editor at the Journal of Finance.
Professor Ulrike Malmendier, Professor of Economics and Finance, University of California, Berkeley
Ulrike Malmendier received her PhD in Business Economics from Harvard University in 2002, and her PhD in Law (summa cum laude) from the University of Bonn in 2000. She joined Berkeley in 2006 as an Assistant Professor, after having been at Stanford as Assistant Professor of Finance since 2002. She also is a research associate at NBER (Corporate Finance and Labor Economics) and a faculty research fellow at IZA, a CESifo affiliate, and a CEPR research affiliate. She has been a Visiting Scholar at the Max-Planck Institute in Bonn, Visiting Fellow at Princeton University, and Visiting Assistant Professor of Finance at the Graduate School of Business at the University of Chicago.Recently, she was named Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow (2010-2012), and she received several Citations of Excellence by Emerald for her research (2009, 2006).
Professor Curtis Milhaupt, William F. Baxter-Visa International Professor of Law, Stanford Law School
Curtis J. Milhaupt is the William F. Baxter-Visa International Professor of Law at Stanford Law School and a Senior Member, by courtesy, of the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University. His research and teaching interests include comparative corporate governance, the legal systems of East Asia, and Chinese state capitalism. In addition to numerous scholarly articles, he has co-authored or edited seven books, including Regulating the Visible Hand? The Institutional Implications of Chinese State Capitalism (Oxford, 2016), Law and Capitalism: What Corporate Crises Reveal about Legal Systems and Economic Development Around the World (Chicago, 2008) and Transforming Corporate Governance in East Asia (Routledge, 2008). Prior to his Stanford appointment in 2018, Prof. Milhaupt held chaired professorships in comparative corporate law and Japanese law at Columbia Law School, where he served on the faculty for nearly two decades.
Professor Holger Spamann, Lawrence R. Grove Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
Holger Spamann is the Lawrence R. Grove Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, where he teaches corporate law, corporate finance, and a course on private funds. His research focuses on the law and economics of corporate governance and financial markets, judicial behavior, and comparative law. Before embarking on his academic career, he practiced M&A law with Debevoise & Plimpton in New York and clerked for two years in Europe. He holds law degrees from France, Germany, and the U.S., and a Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University.
Professor Laura Starks, George Kozmetsky Centennial University Distinguished Chair, McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin.
Laura T. Starks, Ph.D., is the George Kozmetsky Centennial Distinguished University Chair at the McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin. Her research focuses on sustainable finance issues, including climate finance and corporate governance; institutional investor issues, including shareholder activism; and household finance issues including long-term return expectations. She has won a number of research awards. She was an Editor at the Review of Financial Studies and is currently a Research Associate of the NBER, a Research Member for the ECGI, and a Senior Fellow for ABFER. She has served as President of the AFA, SFS, WFA and FMA.