Swedish House of Finance
Institutional Member
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The Swedish House of Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics was founded in 2011 through a government initiative to strengthen financial research in Sweden. Today it is one of the top research institutions in Europe. The Swedish House of Finance promotes a dialogue between researchers and decision-makers in the private and public financial sector.
The Swedish House of Finance is an equally private and government funded, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. It hosts approximately 70 researchers, consisting of resident and affiliated professors as well as PhD students.
The center has succeeded in attracting world-class academic researchers, as well as top-tier students. It has built an ecosystem for financial research and development. This provides decision-makers in Sweden with access to the world’s collective expertise in finance.
The Swedish House of Finance provides an independent platform for dialogue, open to everyone with an interest in finance. The center generates daily contact between academia, the public, and the private financial sectors which in turn leads to new research, new private initiatives, and a basis for better decisions and meaningful regulation of the financial sector. The center is a vital part of the research and development that is necessary to continue to develop Sweden as one of the leading financial centers in Europe and to support the development of a strong Swedish economy and rate of innovation.
The fundamental objective of the Swedish House of Finance is:
- To strengthen financial academic research in Sweden.
- To create impact through achieving a critical mass of world class academic researchers.
- To share positive externalities with the private, public and academic sectors in Sweden.
The Swedish House of Finance achieve this by providing a common platform for:
- Creating a common physical research infrastructure
- Establishing a national center for financial data
- Launching a doctoral course program in finance available to all doctoral students in Sweden
- Carrying out programs for research interactions: to provide open seminar series, invite guest researchers, and arrange conferences
- Supporting the recruitment of international researchers to Swedish academic institutions
- Sharing its research infrastructure with researchers in Sweden
- Obtaining research financing from the Swedish financial industry