Board Foundation
Institutional Member

The Board Foundation (BF) is a Swiss-based NPO committed to excellence in corporate governance that leads to positive outcomes for individuals, organizations, and society. Its three institutions provide a global platform for board leaders and corporate governance scholars to develop, connect, and innovate:
Swiss Board School (SBS): Founded in 2003, the SBS is the leading provider of board training and development programs in Switzerland, closely working together with our Education Partners from the University of Geneva, Lausanne, St.Gallen, and Svizzera italiana.
Swiss Institute of Directors (SIoD): Founded in 2014, the SIoD is the leading network of corporate directors in Switzerland and the Swiss representative of the European Confederation of Directors‘ Associations (ecoDa) and of the Global Network of Director Institutes (GNDI).
International Center for Corporate Governance (ICCG): Founded in 2003, the ICCG is a global network of more than 100 regional, sectoral, and functional governance Fellows who conduct interdisciplinary corporate governance practice and research projects.